
Mantra: The Power of Chant CD

Online Programmes - Affirmations With The Power of Chant CD

Mantras are positive affirmations that gently guide the mind away from old habits to more uplifting experiences.

Singing also tones the vagal nerve, a long and important nerve in our body that supports heartbeat, breathing, voice and digestion. When we chant, we feel better and more at ease in our world.

This CD was recorded live in Sanskrit, the “language of the soul.” Five songs are included–with an extended version of OM. Ideal to play in the background throughout the day and eve.

This CD includes:

  • 5 ancient affirmations (mantras) for healing and wellbeing
  • More than 70 minutes of sacred chants
  • Extended version of OM: Lovely to play ongoing during day and eve
  • Sanskrit mantras (known as the language of the soul) recorded live in studio
  • The greatest of all healing mantras, the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, sung for healing for self, others and the world
  • Call-and-response recordings shared by people who wish happiness and peace for you and our world

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